Friday, November 10, 2006

Life begin at 19

you came to my room with poison on you lips, did't you
from your kiss, i feel like my mind and body are melting to nothing
i hate myself at age 19
i hate myself at age 19
your spirit is so beautiful, it makes me sick
so why you ever kiss me? i'm so useless
i habe being age 19
i hate this face of age 19
just as if i were a black swallow-tall butterfly
i want to lift up and fly with pride
don't tell me is pathetic
doesn't that life sound great?
put the dark behind us, like a butterfly...

---------------------------------------------------- OST xxxHOLIC - Opening song

19 tahun...

'life is beautiful'
'happy end'
'happily ever after'

selama itu semua terpatri di pikiran-ku
selama itu pula semua di dikte di otak
selama itu pula tercermin dalam hidupku

hidup indah
cinta murni
mengasihi dengan tulus

......... sampai akhirnya... somehow i'm awake

semua kebusukan, kebohongan, kemunafikan ter 'lihat'
how could it be?


i'm trying to survive
WE trying to survive
somehow we manage to survive... till now

tulus seperti merpati
licik seperti ular

life will go on with or without me...
always tetep semangaaaaaaaaaaat


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oplop gue yg jadi bahan analisa pertama gue, berumur 14 tahun

11:36 PM  

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